Well last week I gave my craft room a good clean up and clean out in preparation for some Christmas gifts I have to get working on. So I finally decided I was just going to throw out the cardboard tubes I had... it's not like I'll won't ever have more (as a long as I am making tutus that is).
Of course they only made it as far as the landing at the bottom of the stairs (along with some other boxes heading for the garage). And of course my little guy found the box and opened it and started playing with them. So as he's zooming some around tonight I had the fabulous idea for him and I to jazz them up and make them into rockets!
I brought down some paint, some scrapbook paper, ribbon, a glue stick and ribbon (and headed back up for my glue gun!).
For the "tops" of the rockets, I cut out a piece of red cardstock and fashioned a pointy birthday hat type
One rocket we painted (my little man LOVES to paint) and the other we covered in red paper (less wait time to play).
Little man drew "windows" on his rocket while we were waiting for the painted one to dry.
I cut some orange ribbon and glued it on the bottoms for flames and we had a couple of pretty awesome rockets (at least in the little man's eyes)!
Then it was time for a pair of "noculars" (aka binoculars). First he colored two tubes.
Then I just hot glued them together and hot glued some ribbon on for a strap.
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